
Upcoming ICCEMS Events

21 March 2025, Boston: ICCEMS Early Career Members Drinks Reception and Launch of the ICCEMS Higher Degree and Early Career Researcher Program

ICCEMS will host a networking cash-bar event for Higher Degree and Early Career Research members of ICCEMS at RSA Boston. This will launch the ICCEMS Higher Degree and Early Career Researcher Program, which is designed to use the collective strength and scale of our centres to benefit ICCEMS’ higher degree and early career members. Click here for details about the networking drinks.

 4 April 2025, Paris: PEMS to Host ICCEMS Zoom Seminar with Armel Dubois-Nayt

PEMS will host the next ICCEMS online seminar with Armel Dubois-Nayt from Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin, who works on early modern women’s writing in Scotland and the Querelle des femmes. Details coming soon.

23 April, 2025: “More of a Comment than a Question: Q&As and How to Handle Them,” an ICCEMS Tacit Knowledge Workshop for higher degree and early career researchers

ICCEMS is proud to present the first in a new online workshop series, Tacit Knowledge for for higher degree and early career researchers. This session is titled “More of a Comment than a Question: Q&As and How to Handle Them,” and will be hosted by Associate Professor Kathryn Murphy and Professor Joe Moshenska on behalf of the Centre for Early Modern Studies at Oxford. Click here for details.

7-8 August 2025, Canberra: Marginalia and the Early Modern Woman Writer, 1500-1700

This symposium, hosted by ANU CEMS at the National Library of Australia, invites papers and panels interpreting this exciting new textual corpus and discussing the theoretical and methodological challenges involved in locating, attributing and analysing marginalia by early modern women, elite and non-elite, known and unknown.

See the CFP here.

December 2025, Canberra: ANU CEMS to Host Hybrid ICCEMS Seminar with Prof Lorna Hutson

ANU CEMS will host a hybrid seminar with Prof Lorna Hutson, who is broadly interested in the interrelations of literary form and other forms of cultural practice.


Past ICCEMS Events

30 January 2024, Oxford: ICCEMS website soft launch at “Unfinished Conversations: Still Kissing the Rod #3”

Hosted and organised by Professor Lorna Hutson, Director of CEMS Oxford, Unfinished Conversations: Still Kissing the Rod #3 reassesses the state of the field of early modern women’s writing. Speakers include the presenters Rosalind Smith, Sarah C. E. Ross, Danielle Clarke and Elizabeth Scott-Baumann, with interlocutors Virginia Cox, Diane Purkiss and Ros Ballaster. They will discuss two landmark publications in the field: Palgrave Encyclopedia of Early Modern Women’s Writing and the Oxford Handbook of Early Modern Women’s Writing in English.


21-23 March 2024, Chicago: ICCEMS Drinks Reception at RSA Chicago 2024

ICCEMS hosted drinks at RSA Chicago to invite new partners to join ICCEMS.


 16 May, Paris: PEMS Hosts ICCEMS Zoom Seminar “Polyglot Encounters in Early Modern Britain”

The Paris Early Modern Seminar (PEMS) hosted the first ICCEMS seminar, introducing Brepols series “Polyglot Encounters in Early Modern Britain“.


7 June 2024, London: LRS One-Day Conference, “Learning from Early Modern Books”

The London Renaissance Seminar hosted this one-day event at Birkbeck, University of London.


14 June 2024, London: LRS One-Day Conference: “London Locations: Urban Geography, Creative Opportunities and Literary Representations”

This one-day conference hosted by the London Renaissance Seminar and the Paris Early Modern Seminar took place at Birkbeck on Friday 14 June.


2 July 2024, Canberra: ANU CEMS Hosts ICCEMS Hybrid Seminar with Nicholas Terpstra, “Moving Targets: Finding Young People in the Early Modern World”

ANU CEMS welcomed Professor Nicholas Terpstra for this hybrid lecture at the National Library of Australia.


3 September 2024, Canberra: ANU CEMS Hosts Hybrid Seminar with Michelle O’Callaghan, “Making Poetry Collections by Hand and Productive Leisure”

Professor Michelle O’Callaghan (University of Reading) visited ANU CEMS thanks to funding from the ANU Research School of Humanities and the Arts.



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