ICCEMS Mentoring Program


The ICCEMS Mentoring Program aims to promote a supportive culture of personal and professional growth by providing the opportunity for higher degree and early career members of ICCEMS’ organisations to connect with established academics across institutional and national boundaries. The program draws on principles from the Spectrum Academic Mentoring Program.

Academic mentoring relationships benefit both mentors and mentees through the sharing of skills, attitudes and behaviours.


Benefits for Mentees:

  • Support motivation and work satisfaction
  • Help with defining and pursuing goals
  • Expanding perspectives
  • Strengthening self-development plans

Benefits for Mentors:

  • Support motivation and work satisfaction
  • Provide new perspectives on ideas and issues
  • Enhance personal growth with the increased self-awareness that results from sharing knowledge


Prospective mentors and mentees must be affiliated with one of ICCEMS’s Partner Organisations:

  • Australian National University Centre for Early Modern Studies
  • Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies (CRRS) at Victoria University-University of Toronto
  • Early Modern World at Harvard
  • Fédération Internationale des Sociétés et Instituts pour l’Étude de la Renaissance
  • Folger Institute, Folger Shakespeare Library
  • Irish Renaissance Seminar
  • London Renaissance Seminar
  • Oxford Centre for Early Modern Studies
  • Paris Early Modern Seminar
  • University of Wisconsin-Madison Center for Early Modern Studies

How it works

The mentorship program is goals-based. In the program application forms, prospective mentors and mentees are asked to describe their goals for their mentoring relationship and the skills or areas they wish to mentor/be mentored in. These will be used as the basis for us to suggest suitable mentoring relationships.

Matched mentors and mentees will be encouraged to establish an agreement about the relationship: how long the relationship might last, the number and/or frequency of meetings, the areas and nature of support that the mentor can provide and the mentee can expect, and so on. It will be up to the mentor and mentee to maintain the relationship.

The ICCEMS Mentorship Program Co-ordinator will be available to both parties to assist with managing the relationship, if required.

How to sign up

Download and fill the form below, then return to ICCEMS: admin.iccems@anu.edu.au

Download the ICCEMS Mentor form

Download the ICCEMS Mentee form